The Unwilling Gardener

Four Things You Can Do to Protect Your Loved Ones from Elder Financial Exploitation

The waiting is the hardest part…
Hospice should be an opportunity for living, not just an option for dying.

I am praying for you (because) it sucks to be you
I recently have made a concerted effort to pray for someone when I tell them, "I am praying for you." It's not that I don't mean it when I say I will pray for them. I take the ability to pray for someone earnestly.

Hope. It was the one thing I searched for during my journey as a caregiver.

Caregiving is stealing my life and marriage
With six years of Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) chomping at the bit, my husband’s body has nearly succumbed to this dreadful disease.

Are you uncomfortable being around terminally ill people?
Like many people, before I became a caregiver to a terminally ill and disabled husband, I used to be afraid to be around a friend or family member who was terminally ill.